Our process is simple and effective.
As a full-service consultancy, we employ a cyclical funding approach designed to simplify your options, understand your requirements and deliver comprehensive funding solutions.
Our process begins by securing government funding, which lays a solid foundation for accessing additional funding opportunities.
We review your existing funding, including investment decks, business plans, growth trajectory, and technological roadmap. A range of funding options are assessed including equity and debt financing, government funding, and eligibility for SEIS, EIS, and Patent Box incentives.
Next, we conduct due diligence to maximise your chances of securing funding. During this phase, we evaluate R&D projects, applicable grant opportunities, and potential investors to ensure that every avenue is explored and the the best opportunites for your business are secured.
Government Funding
We prioritise government funding as it delivers immediate value to your business. The information gathered during steps one and two combined with our expertise in R&D tax relief and innovation grants provides a strong foundation for pursuing further funding opportunities.
Further Opportunities
With the insights gained from our initial stages, we're ideally positioned to explore additional funding avenues, such as equity and debt financing. By partnering with Novus, you tap into our extensive investor network, fundraising expertise, and full access to exclusive events and trusted industry partners.